
chronicles of house sitting

aisling and i have been house sitting for larson while he's in cali. relaxing in a claw-foot tub with the two bottles of wine he left us has been righteous. getting pinned down and licked to near-death by bruce, his pit that probably weighs more than me; also righteous. i need a big dog. and more wine. i admire his capabilities in face-eating. 




also featured: my teeny tiny murder city shirt, $5 at holdfast in asbury park, and the wedges i found at urban for $3.50. boom.


you are too late

everything has died
and it will never be
the same

you are too late

for rock and roll
for great writers
for real wars
good drugs

everything has died
and it will never be
the same

a copy of
a copy of
a picture of
a face

an original poem i wrote last winter. i know it's bleak. it was a rough year. 


fuck you rosie


i've never wanted a twitter until now, so i could tell rosie odonell what a bonehead she is for her comment about the arcade fire winning album of the year. if i wanted to know about the new flavor of twinkie, you would be the first person i'd call. but frankly, no one gives a deep-fried fuck about your musical knowledge. you're just the fat friend society keeps around to give the illusion of having morals. maybe take the lilith fair compilation out of your cd player and put something decent in if you feel like sitting at the big kids music table. i could really keep going, but that's about all the angst i'll allow for the day (as it's only 2pm). if you have a twitter, go comment on this garbage.


the splinters

three fuck yeahs for chick psych bands. thank you rashid.



some new additions this week. really excited about the japanese pressing of deep purple live. if you're a vinyl geek like myself, check out holdfast in asbury park on cookman ave. loads of cherry picked records that cost just a tad more than what you'd find em for thrifting (i spent $15 total on the finds above). there's a russo music store underneath and some racks of second hand gems...i found a super old murder city devils crop top for 5 bucks. we played a show here a few months back hope to get back in there soon. everyone there rules. seriously.


the lions


we played the watermark a few nights ago in asbury. the bar had wide open windows that overlooked the frozen beach. soft black headlined and i can't get this song out of my head, it's not just the lion reference either.